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The Photographer's Guide

Create an application where photographers can share their work and learn from others in the industry for informative photo sharing. 


Role: UX Researcher and Designer

Deliverables: Design Requirements, Sketches, Personas, User Flows, Wireframes, Prototype with Axure

Timeline: 3 Weeks


With the inventions of modern technology, photography has grown into a $10 billion dollar industry in the United States [1]. Instagram, a popular photo sharing application, is now worth $35 billion according to Citibank; a major boost in valuation since it was bought by Facebook in 2012 for $1 billion [2]. Thousands upon thousands of YouTube tutorials have been posted, showing the viewer different photography tips and tricks. The desire to learn photography is a growing trend. The Photographer's Guide is a networking application for beginner to expert photographers, with the intention to make connections with other individuals in the industry and share information on the art form. Individuals can make an account and then begin sharing their own work. Users can like, comment and follow other photographers to stay up to date on their work. 





Design Requirements

These requirements focus on the necessary features of this application design. 


The functional and technical requirements are created based on the target audience and their goals. 

User Flow
  • The Photographer's Guide allows the user to share their own photography work; therefore, it is necessary to have an account creation process at the beginning of the experience. Users can Log In or Create an Account with an email. 

  • Users can scroll through the homepage of recently posted images.

  • Users have account options:

    • change and update their profile​

    • review notifications

    • upload content


Initial Wireframes
Updated Wireframes

Updated Wireframes includes:

  • Bottom bar navigation for quick access to main features

  • Image Page

    • ​​User can like artist by adding them to their followers list

    • Primary action is the view the specs and settings the artist used

    • Secondary action is to read a description

    • Third is to leave a comment​

  • Users Profile Page​

    • Number of likes and followers​
    • Most popular photos 

    • Gallery of all photos posted


The Next Steps...
  • Conduct user testing sessions on application design to test user flow and navigation

  • Address concerns and navigation issues with updated designs

  • Consider adding features based on testing insights to address user needs

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