Create a relationship app that couples can use to boost communication by giving the users conversational topics and physical exercises that they can engage in.
My Role: UX Researcher
My Deliverables: Sketches, Interviews, Personas, Scenarios, Wireframes, User Testing
Timeline: 1 Week
Team: 4 people
How might we...
Initial thoughts:
Promotes safe sex?
Break the stigma of sex?
Final Idea:
Create an app that helps couples improve the intimate parts of their relationship, including sex?
Encourage regular intimate interactions
Normalize fulfillment between all parties, or bring all parties to a higher level of fulfillment
Prototype Design
Include the basic features and test navigation design with individuals in the user base
Which sections of the app would our users find the most appealing?
Is the process of using the app easy or difficult?
Would individuals be interested in using the app if it was further developed?
User Testing
Application Design & Brand Requirements
- Color Scheme: Warm
- Reds
- Oranges
- Gradual Transitions
- Font: Friendly, Approachable, Modern
- Sans Serif
- Berlin Sans FB
- Simple on-boarding process
- For security concerns
The Next Steps...
Further develop the prototype with a clear distinction between Exercises and Tips
Interview potential users about Diary section to further understand desired features and update design requirements
Icons that represent each division of the application, so users can understand the differences among each category